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Fauci is correct. Since Omicron is an anagram of moronic, it is indeed in the United States and currently being modeled by the biggest moron of all - that lying weasel Facker Fauci.
Wow. Great pick up on the anagram and oh so appropriate.
Leftholia may be a parallel universe that we have intersected with somehow. We need to disengage.
I think you're on to something!
Fauci is correct. Since Omicron is an anagram of moronic, it is indeed in the United States and currently being modeled by the biggest moron of all - that lying weasel Facker Fauci.
Wow. Great pick up on the anagram and oh so appropriate.
Leftholia may be a parallel universe that we have intersected with somehow. We need to disengage.
I think you're on to something!