If I had to make a bet, I see a major international catastrophe or a banking crisis, a new virus etc. something/anything to deflect.

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Already in the last few days talking about a drug resistant fungus...

And the beat goes on

Oh but wait...according to the black gay/trannie on "THE VIEW" there's a civil war already happening w the American people and trannie community. Who knew?πŸ€”πŸ€£ (DISCLAIMER: I stopped watching this show at least 15 years ago- saw this posted on Twit box)

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I love the phrase "there's a civil war already happening w the American people and trannie community" that draws a distinct line separating the American people from the trannie community. The woke don't even realize how well they have just defined this chasm.

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I think Cohen's lawyer, Costello, made a few of the simps in the grand jury wake up a little and smell something rotten here.

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