Been there, done that. No need to do it again!

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I know this is a bucket list kinda thing and many people look forward to participating BUT you couldn't pay me to go there on NY Eve and I've felt that way most of my life.

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As a lifelong New Yorker who has been to Times Square on New Year's Eve...I am emphatically stating that this shitshow shouldn't be on AAAAAnyones "bucket list".

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I grew up in NYC and spent a few of my teenage years in Times Square on New Year's Eve but that was many, many years ago. You couldn't pay me enough to go again except I'd love to see what would happen if I dragged my unvxxd and anonymous butt there. Heard the new prison camps for the unvxxd are luxuriously appointed.

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I use to go to the New Years Eve Ball Drop in NY but I moved out of the Blue ball state of Massachusetts many many years ago , I prefer the small town I live in in NC

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We just shoot shotguns in the air at midnight in the country and listen to dogs bark here in Mayberry, CA.

Got some possum stew in the pot and cornpone too!

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